Social Education, 2024, 12(1)
Introducing the first issue of the twelfth volume of Sociální pedagogika | Social Education journal published in 2024.
Sociální pedagogika | Social Education, 12(1), 2024
Volume 7, issue 2, year 2019
Introducing the record of the document with Professor Martin Jaggle!
Sociální pedagogika | Social Education, volume 7, issue 2, year 2019
Archive of newsDear readers, we would like to inform you that for the April issue of this year, there was not enough interesting and stimulating papers, and therefore we decided to do not publish April issue. These papers that have been accepted for publication in other sections than in the “STUDY” section will be published within autumn […]
Not only the April issue of 2020 connects social education with international education. This trend and a very interesting connection is also brought by the new book: Social Justice and International Education by the Association of International Educators (NAFSA). More information can be found here.
We are happy to introduce the first issue of the eight volume of the Sociální pedagogika|Social Education journal for the year 2020. Monothematic issue topic: International perspectives on social education Editor-in-chief : Eva Janebová Thank you all – especially editors-in-chief, editorial board members, authors and reviewers for incredible work!
We are happy to introduce the second issue of the seventh volume of the Social Education journal for the year 2019. The November issue features a theme that resonates with Czech society, not only with experts in the field, but also with the general population – Inclusion as a challenge of the times. Thank you […]