Oznamujeme přijetí časopisu do Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory!
We are pleased to inform you that Socialni Pedagogika /Social Education journal has been included into the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory!
Dále informujeme o přihlášení časopisu do databáze CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library). Momentálně však CEEOL databáze nové tituly z důvodu práce nad datovém úložišti a webových stránkách nepřijímá. Odhadované přijetí dalších titulů bude zahájeno na konci října 2015.
Furthermore, the registration of the inclussion in the CEEOL repository was finished. However, the CEEOL database is undergoing a complete new programming and re-launch, that process – besides the comprehensive technical/functional enhancements – will include the revision of the subjects, and also the terms and conditions and process of the inclusion of publications in the new library database. Therefore right now CEEOL is unfortunately not able to proceed any registration request until the new repository and related sites will be launched, estimated for end of October 2015. After the re-launch the online registration process of the Socialni Pedagogika /Social Education journal and related evaluation will be re-opened.