The workflow of the research article editor is as follows:
- After receiving the anonymized manuscript, the research article editor approves insertion of the article in the editorial process. He/she does so by filling in the form (Review Sheet for Research Article Editors of SocEd). Further on, the editor agrees with the executive editor’s suggestions of two independent reviewers. When the research article editor considers the manuscript to be thematically or genre-wise inappropriate (e.g., the manuscript is a text of popular science) or it is not at an appropriate level, it is returned it to the executive editor who notifies the author of the refusal of the manuscript by a standard email.
- After receiving the contribution with the reviewers’ suggestions incorporated in the text, the research article editor confirms the appropriateness of the author’s changes. If the changes related to the reviewers’ suggestions have not been made, the research article editor notifies the executive editor, and the cycle repeats.
Sociální pedagogika | Social Education journal (SocEd) invites you to respect the publishing recommendations made by the American Psychological Association, which for these purposes has issued Publication Manual (Publication Manual of the APA, 6th edition, 2010). Please read the manual before publishing / reviewing manuscripts for the SocEd.
Book Review and News Items Editor
The workflow of the book review and news items editor is as follows:
- After receiving the manuscript, the book review and news items editor approves inclusion of the text in the following journal issue and then announces the decision to the executive editor and possibly makes minor editorial changes.
Notification of the authors / reviewers
An author can publish one individual contribution or two collective contributions in the journal per year. A book written by an editor’s office or editorial board member cannot be reviewed for the journal by another member of the editor’s office or the editorial board.
Information on the authorship of the research article manuscript is considered confidential throughout the review process.
The number of the original research articles and overviews authored or co-authored by someone affiliated with the publishing institution cannot exceed one-third of all research articles and overviews published in the given calendar year.
Conflicts of interest
An original research article or overview is published only after an independent review process, the outcome of which is two reviews. None of the reviewers can be employed by the same institution as the author or one of the co-authors or have by any means a conflict of interest with regard to the reviewed text.
Submissions from editors, employees, or members of the editorial board strictly follows the usual peer-review procedure. None of the reviewers can be employed by the same institution as the author or one of the co-authors or have by any means a conflict of interest with regard to the reviewed text.
The graphical description of the review process of the SocEd is HERE.
More on the journal publication principles can be found HERE.
Current and previous issues can be found on the journal homepage or by clicking HERE.